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How To Safely Navigate The Art Market: Dusting Your Works
compressed air can and makeup brush

How To Safely Navigate The Art Market: Dusting Your Works

      A question that often comes up is – Can I clean/dust my painting? The answer to this is yes, but you need to know how to do it safely. If you acquired the work from a gallery, … More…

The Art Market Is Beating The Stock Market
Pablo Picasso "Fumeur III"

The Art Market Is Beating The Stock Market

Barden Prisant’s article about the current status of the art market was recently published on Forbes.com.  Barden gathered data for several artists and determined that that art market is far healthier than most other markets.  He then posed the obvious … More…

Another Art Theft? This Time A Van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh's “The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring 1884 ”

Another Art Theft? This Time A Van Gogh

News just broke that early Monday morning, thieves smashed the front door of the Singer Laren Museum, Laren, Netherlands, and stole Vincent van Gogh’s The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring (1884).  The painting was on loan from the Groninger … More…

Banksy Sale – Impressive Results
Banksy's Girl With Balloon (Pink). Photo: Sotheby's

Banksy Sale – Impressive Results

While a majority of the art world is closed for business, and many fairs and auctions have been postponed or canceled, there is still some activity which is very encouraging (unless otherwise noted, all prices include the buyer’s premium – … More…

Swiss Museum Reverses Course On Restitution For Nazi Era Acquisition
Edvard Munch - Madonna

Swiss Museum Reverses Course On Restitution For Nazi Era Acquisition

The heirs of prominent museum director and art critic, Curt Glaser, were finally awarded a settlement from the Kunstmuseum in Basel, Switzerland, for more than 200 prints and drawings estimated to be worth more than $2 million. The museum will … More…

Leveraging Your Art Collection

Leveraging Your Art Collection

Abby Schultz’s article on Penta gives a quick overview of the sort of leveraging that has been going on in the art world and whose been loaning the billions of dollars.  It is not only the banks and specialty firms, … More…

Some Helping Hands Are Worth Their Weight In Gold
Nelson Mandela Gold Hands Sculptures

Some Helping Hands Are Worth Their Weight In Gold

Need a pair of extra hands around the house these days?  Earlier this month, a single item sale featured the hands of a remarkable man…not his real hands, of course, but a set of four gold casts of Nelson Mandela … More…

Museums Seek Federal Bailout Amid Prolonged Closure
The Met

Museums Seek Federal Bailout Amid Prolonged Closure

As our government still tries to get a grip on the health crisis our country (and the world) is facing, cultural institutions are pleading with Congress to include them in the impending bailout package expected to be passed. Today, the … More…

Thieves Target Notre-Dame Amid Lockdown
Notre Dame

Thieves Target Notre-Dame Amid Lockdown

Ok, first things first – I hope you and your families are all safe, but please STAY HOME! And if you have to go out for any reason, remember social distancing! Do your part, in these difficult times, by doing … More…