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The Art Market Is Beating The Stock Market

March 30, 2020
Pablo Picasso "Fumeur III"

Pablo Picasso “Fumeur III”

Barden Prisant’s article about the current status of the art market was recently published on Forbes.com.  Barden gathered data for several artists and determined that that art market is far healthier than most other markets.  He then posed the obvious question and gave a possible answer:

Why, then, would art be faring better than stocks right now? One possibility might be that those who have been pulling out of the stock market are looking for new investment opportunities. Besides, there is the added benefit that you can enjoy art in your home. 

Our gallery always stresses the need for people to buy works that they want to enjoy and live with.  Over the long run, art has proven to be a worthwhile investment.

Source: The Art Market Is Beating The Stock Market