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Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings
Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings

Damien Hirst’s Spot Paintings

1,365.  That’s the final count of  Damien Hirst Spot Paintings that will be included in his catalogue raisonne.  The Hirst empire combines Mr. Hirst’s love for the arts and savvy businessman techniques.  After the completion of the first few dozen … More…

Painting of the Day (just SOLD) – Antoine Blanchard’s “Place du Chatelet”
Painting of the Day (just SOLD) – Antoine Blanchard’s “Place du Chatelet”

Painting of the Day (just SOLD) – Antoine Blanchard’s “Place du Chatelet”

Place du Chatelet.  Here is a wonderful painting by Antoine Blanchard that will be making its way to a new home very soon.  We originally sold this painting in 2000 and had the pleasure of selling it again in 2013. … More…

Importance of being abstract at Art Basel
Importance of being abstract at Art Basel

Importance of being abstract at Art Basel

Importance of being abstract – more on Art Basel, 2013.  Seems as thought many artist have jumped on the abstract bandwagon.  

DiCaprio Browses as $12 Million Calder Sells at Art Basel
DiCaprio Browses as $12 Million Calder Sells at Art Basel

DiCaprio Browses as $12 Million Calder Sells at Art Basel

DiCaprio Browses as $12 Million Calder Sells at Art Basel – it did not take long … a short article on some of the early sales at Art Basel.  Included are works by Calder, Mitchell, Fontana, Ryman, Stingel, Miro and others. … More…

Whitney Saves Douglas Davis’s ‘First Collaborative Sentence’
Whitney Saves Douglas Davis’s ‘First Collaborative Sentence’

Whitney Saves Douglas Davis’s ‘First Collaborative Sentence’

The restoration process used by many museums is an effort to bring works of art back to the state they left the studio in. Now, many museums are facing a predicament when it comes to restoring some of their “newer … More…

Painter Barry Oretsky | NUVO Magazine
Painter Barry Oretsky | NUVO Magazine

Painter Barry Oretsky | NUVO Magazine

Great write up about Barry Oretsky in NUVO Magazine!! Click here to read the article.   …Also, check him out on our website: Available works by: Barry Oretsky  

Painting of the Day (AVAILABLE) Tony South’s “An Englishman in New York”
Painting of the Day (AVAILABLE) Tony South’s “An Englishman in New York”

Painting of the Day (AVAILABLE) Tony South’s “An Englishman in New York”

Tony South’s An Englishman in New York has finally arrived at the gallery!!  

Lena Nyadbi Roof Painting
Lena Nyadbi Roof Painting

Lena Nyadbi Roof Painting

Last month Imran Quereshi unveiled his controversial installation on the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s roof.  The blood stain depiction did not sit well with many viewers but the new “canvas” may have.  Artist Lena Nyadbi recently revealed her black and … More…

Painting of the Day (SOLD archives) – Louis Valtat’s “Grand vase de fleurs”
Painting of the Day (SOLD archives) – Louis Valtat’s “Grand vase de fleurs”

Painting of the Day (SOLD archives) – Louis Valtat’s “Grand vase de fleurs”

Grand vase de fleurs. here is a wonderful Louis Valtat painting that we sold a number of years ago:  Grand vase de fleurs (c.1918).