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Watch Your Step – Danger At The Museum
Watch Your Step – Danger At The Museum

Watch Your Step – Danger At The Museum

We all know that artists want the viewer to connect with their work, but this work (and a viewer) went a bit too far.  Anish Kapoor created an 8-foot hole titled Descent Into Limbo at the Serralves Foundation in Porto, Portugal.  … More…

Chowaiki – The Fun Never Ends

Chowaiki – The Fun Never Ends

Earlier this year, Ezra Chowaiki pleaded guilty to defrauding collectors and dealers to the tune of $16 million between 2015 and 2017.  Chowaiki now faces up to 20 years in prison. On August 15th, The Art Collection Inc. filed a … More…

The Saga Continues – The Berkshire Museum
Berkshire Museum

The Saga Continues – The Berkshire Museum

The Saga Continues – The Berkshire Museum: And just when we thought the Berkshire saga was over, we learn that one lawsuit is still trying.  Last October, James and Kristin Hatt along with Elizabeth Weinberg sued the Berkshire Museum in … More…

Adam & Eve – Still In Limbo
adam and eve

Adam & Eve – Still In Limbo

In 2007, Marei von Saher filed a suit claiming she is the rightful heir to a pair of life-size portraits of Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach the Elder. According to von Saher, the works were forcibly purchased by the … More…

The Demolition … Man
Ai Weiwei's studio demolition

The Demolition … Man

Ai Weiwie has been documenting the demolition of his Bejing studio over the past 4 days on Instagram.  His first post, exceeding 21,000 views, captures the first moments of the deconstruction, which Weiwei claims he had not been given any … More…

Comments on the Art Market – Volume 212
Comments on the Art Market

Comments on the Art Market – Volume 212

We are pleased to announce that Volume 212 of our Comments on the Art Market was just released.  This month we cover our upcoming Nantucket and Baltimore shows, Stocks & Crypto, The Dark Side of the Art World, Really (other … More…

Jackpot or Bust?

Jackpot or Bust?

In case you missed it, news broke this week about a New York dealer who bought the contents of a storage locker in New Jersey for $15,000.  What did he get/find?  Supposedly 200 works of art, including six painting by … More…

Blockchain: Everyone Wants A Piece Of The Action
Blockchain, To be or not to be

Blockchain: Everyone Wants A Piece Of The Action

Scott Reyburn’s article in The New York Times touches on how new technologies like blockchain’s decentralized record-keeping can change the art market.  I, for one, have a difficult time believing that the art world will truly embrace it.  The art … More…

Motherwell Comes Home
Motherwell Comes Home

Motherwell Comes Home

In 1978, several dozen works by the Modernist master Robert Motherwell went missing when he hired a moving company to transport his art from one storage site to another.  After 40 years, one of the missing works, “Untitled, 1967″ (a … More…