Frank Ernest Beresford (1881 - 1967)
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Price: $4,800.00
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Frank Ernest Beresford
(1881 - 1967)
Oil on panel
9.625 x 13.925
John Stobart
Rehs Galleries, Inc., New York
Signed and titled on the reverse

This work, Miyajima, shows a waterside scene on the titular island in Japan’s Inland Sea. Today, the island is more popularly known as Itsukushima and is known as the home of the Shinto shrine of the same name on the island’s northwestern coast. Miyajima does not show the shrine’s iconic O-torii Gate but instead focuses on two of the location’s other structures: on the left is the Gojunoto. Meaning Temple of the Five Roofs, it is popularly known in English as the Five-Tiered Pagoda and is dedicated to the Yakushi Buddha, the patron of medicine and healing. In the shrine, Yakushi is accompanied by Monju, the Buddha of Wisdom, and Fugen, the Buddha of Mercy. The structure in Beresford’s painting dates to 1533 and still stands today. To the right of the pagoda is the Senjokaku, the largest building on the island. It is also known as the Toyokuni Pavilion and was originally built as a Buddhist shrine where people could chant sutras for fallen soldiers. However, during attempts to solidify Shinto’s place as Japan’s dominant religion, Emperor Meiji removed the shrine's Buddhist icons in the 1860s.

Frank Beresford was born on August 30, 1881, in Derby, United Kingdom. He began is artistic training at the Derby School of Art, then St John's Wood Art School, and finally at the Royal Academy Schools. His talent was rewarded with a travel scholarship that took him to Asia. During the Second World War, he worked as a war artist for both Britain and the United States, receiving the Exceptional Service Award from the United States Air Force for his work. His most famous painting is The Princes’ Vigil, showing a scene from the funeral for King George V in 1936. While the king laid in state in Westminster Hall, his four sons watched over him in a midnight vigil. These four sons were the new king Edward VIII, the Duke of York (the future king George VI), the Duke of Gloucester, and the Duke of Kent. Queen Mary purchased the work as a birthday present for her son King Edward. Several of Beresford’s works are in the Royal Collection, including portraits of George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Public Collections:

St. John’s Chapel
Museum of Gloucester
Royal Air Force Museum
Parliamentary Art Collection
City of Westminster Archives Center
The Stanley & Ausrey Burton Gallery, University of Leeds
St. Catherine’s College, University of Cambridge
Derby Museum and Art Gallery
National Maritime Museum
Southampton City Art Gallery
The Ecclesbourne School
King’s Lynn Town Hall
Staunton Harold Hall
School of Oriental and African Studies

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Frank Ernest Beresford
(1881 - 1967)
Oil on panel
9.625 x 13.925