D. Eleinne Basa (Born 1967)
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Price: $4,250.00
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D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Acadia Light
Acrylic and oil on canvas
12 x 16 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
Rehs Contemporary Galleries, Inc., New York City

Landscape painter D. Eleinne Basa calls the East Coast home. Having early classical training since she was a child, she furthered her art training after college by taking several workshops and diving into the competitive Plein Air competition scene where she earned numerous awards. Today she spends more time in her studio and travelling to scenic locations to find inspiration and paintings. She has been working as a full time artist since 2004.|

Eleinne’s evocative landscapes has been shown in important Invitational and Juried shows throughout the Country, such as The ARC Salon exhibition in Sotheby’s NY, NY, The Collectors Reserve at the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, OK, the California Art Club’s Gold Medal Exhibition and Sale at the Autry National Center in Los Angeles, CA, The ‘On Location in Malibu’ Landscape show at the Frederick R. Weisman Museum in Malibu, Ca, the National Cowboy Museum Miniature show in Tulsa OK, the CM Russell Museum in Great Falls, MT, and the Brinton Museum in Sheridan, Wy. In 2016, and 2018 She was invited to be Part of the American Masters Exhibition at the Salmagundi club in NY, NY.

She also has won multiple awards for her work, most notable is the $15,000 Grand prize of the first Plein Air Salon hosted by Plein Air Magazine, Art of the West Award of Excellence at the California Art Club Gold medal show in 2012, Best in Show, Artist Choice award at the 2018 American Masters at the Salmagundi Club, and People’s choice Award at the 2018 Inaugural American Tonalist Society show. Her work has also been recognized as a finalist in the 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 ARC Salon online competition. In this most recent 2020 ARC Salon Exhibition, she has garnered two awards, the Artist Library Award and Third Place in the Landscape Category. Her work was also selected to be included in the first ever ARC and Sotheby’s Online Auction of Important Contemporary Art.

Her Works has been featured and shown in several magazine publications including Fine Art Connoisseur, Plein Air Magazine where she has been on the cover in 2012, Art of the West, Southwest Art, American Art Collector, Western Art Collector, and Western Art and Architecture

Eleinne finds inspiration in the work of 19th-century American painters such as tonalist George Inness as well as in the delicate, muted landscapes by Spanish artist Emilio Sánchez-Perrier. Among her favorite Landscape painters is the American Thomas Moran, Emile Carlsen, George Inness and Hugh Bolton Jones.


California Art Club – Out of State Artist Member
Salmagundi Club
American Tonalist Society- Founding Member

Permanent Collections
Academy Art Museum, Easton, MD
The Cherokee Club, Atlanta, GA
CM Russell Museum, Great Falls, MT

Browse by Artist
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Acadia Light
Acrylic and oil on canvas
12 x 16 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Callian Spring
Oil on canvas
9 x 12 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Evening Colors
Oil on canvas
20 x 16 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Morning on the River
Oil on canvas
17 x 30 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Soho Evening Rain
Oil on canvas
20 x 16 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Times Square Reflections
Oil on canvas
16 x 12 inches
D. Eleinne Basa
(Born 1967)
Winter Serenity
Oil on canvas
12 x12 inches