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Small Works 2024
Click on a painting below to start the exhibition
A Summer DaySally SwatlandA Summer Day Blueberry JuicerStuart DunkelBlueberry Juicer Bonnieux Village (Study)D. Eleinne BasaBonnieux Village (Study)
Bricks & BonesJames Neil HollingsworthBricks & Bones Christmas CocktailTodd M. CaseyChristmas Cocktail Cordial MagicStuart DunkelCordial Magic
Dark Todd M. CaseyDark 'n' Stormy Donut FunStuart DunkelDonut Fun Feeling BlueStuart DunkelFeeling Blue
Fry LunchStuart DunkelFry Lunch Golden EggnogTodd M. CaseyGolden Eggnog Golden TreatStuart DunkelGolden Treat
Jar of Jelly BeansJon BurnsJar of Jelly Beans King of all TomatosStuart DunkelKing of all Tomatos Lil Pixie ILucia HeffernanLil Pixie I
Lil Pixie IIILucia HeffernanLil Pixie III Linguini LeashStuart DunkelLinguini Leash Million to OneTony SouthMillion to One
Mint JulepTodd M. CaseyMint Julep Morning MoonriseD. Eleinne BasaMorning Moonrise NebulaDavid PalumboNebula
Off County EEBen BauerOff County EE Olive TakeoutStuart DunkelOlive Takeout Popcorn AlleyStuart DunkelPopcorn Alley
Purple IrisJon BurnsPurple Iris Squirrels in the Attic I HammondSquirrels in the Attic I Squirrels in the Attic II HammondSquirrels in the Attic II
Squirrels in the Attic III HammondSquirrels in the Attic III Squirrels in the Attic IV HammondSquirrels in the Attic IV TehyaVanessa LemenTehya
The Two KidsSally SwatlandThe Two Kids Umbrellas at the SeashoreMark DalyUmbrellas at the Seashore Yellow Roses with BowlTodd M. CaseyYellow Roses with Bowl
Sour Jelly BeansJon BurnsSour Jelly Beans BoundAmanda GreiveBound Helping MosesStuart DunkelHelping Moses
Holiday CookieStuart DunkelHoliday Cookie Lemon TwistStuart DunkelLemon Twist Clemson Flower PowerStuart DunkelClemson Flower Power
Lime X RayStuart DunkelLime X Ray Lucky SpinStuart DunkelLucky Spin NestingStuart DunkelNesting
Self ReflectionStuart DunkelSelf Reflection Tart FunStuart DunkelTart Fun The GamblerStuart DunkelThe Gambler
Cherished MomentsTimothy W. JahnCherished Moments Frozen Dreams AwakenTimothy W. JahnFrozen Dreams Awaken Machinery of Forgotten WordsTimothy W. JahnMachinery of Forgotten Words
Aermacchi ChimeraJames Neil HollingsworthAermacchi Chimera OrangeBeth SistrunkOrange Lemon BlueberryBeth SistrunkLemon Blueberry
Key Lime PieBeth SistrunkKey Lime Pie Strawberry ShortcakeBeth SistrunkStrawberry Shortcake Rockport BeachLeo Mancini-HreskoRockport Beach
Montauk ShoresSergio RoffoMontauk Shores Sailing at TwlightSergio RoffoSailing at Twlight BoulevardierTodd M. CaseyBoulevardier
Mezcal & SangritaTodd M. CaseyMezcal & Sangrita Pisco Sour StudyTodd M. CaseyPisco Sour Study Yellow Sugar Skull StudyTodd M. CaseyYellow Sugar Skull Study
Colosseum (triptych)Nigel CoxColosseum (triptych) Eiffel Tower (triptych)Nigel CoxEiffel Tower (triptych) New York Winter FlagsMark DalyNew York Winter Flags
Moonlight EmbraceGail DescoeursMoonlight Embrace Candy ManStuart DunkelCandy Man Cherry DinnerStuart DunkelCherry Dinner
Going BananasStuart DunkelGoing Bananas Good Nights SleepStuart DunkelGood Nights Sleep Jelly Bean TrialsStuart DunkelJelly Bean Trials
Strawberry DelightStuart DunkelStrawberry Delight Sushi EscapeStuart DunkelSushi Escape MayaHiroshi FuruyoshiMaya
Atlantis (Floriferous Vintage Series, Squirrel/Submarine)Carrie GollerAtlantis (Floriferous Vintage Series, Squirrel/Submarine) BettyCarrie GollerBetty BrutusCarrie GollerBrutus
Carmen  (Cardinal Bird, Floriferous Series)Carrie GollerCarmen (Cardinal Bird, Floriferous Series) Willy JackCarrie GollerWilly Jack Miss Flapper MouseLucia HeffernanMiss Flapper Mouse
Standing Side Oblique Lucia HeffernanStanding Side Oblique Coke Straw No. 2James Neil HollingsworthCoke Straw No. 2 I am Egg-cited to See You (Miep the Chicken)Alexandra KlimasI am Egg-cited to See You (Miep the Chicken)
IAlexandra KlimasI'm Watching You (Isabella the Chicken) DawnVanessa LemenDawn AdornedShana LevensonAdorned
LuminousShana LevensonLuminous PomegranateLeo Mancini-HreskoPomegranate Calm Winds, Clear SkiesAndrew OrrCalm Winds, Clear Skies
Rounding West Head, Lockport, Nova ScotiaAndrew OrrRounding West Head, Lockport, Nova Scotia Carolina WrenDavid PalumboCarolina Wren Early Morning FoxDavid PalumboEarly Morning Fox
It Belongs in a MuseumDavid PalumboIt Belongs in a Museum Red 5 Standing ByDavid PalumboRed 5 Standing By Frost WarningBrett ScheiffleeFrost Warning
May Rainbows Over the MarshBrett ScheiffleeMay Rainbows Over the Marsh Snow Moon over the AdirondacksBrett ScheiffleeSnow Moon over the Adirondacks Summer WispsBrett ScheiffleeSummer Wisps
ElementaryTony SouthElementary Siesta SledTony SouthSiesta Sled HighballedTony SouthHighballed
Highly StrungTony SouthHighly Strung Nomad Dogs AllowedTony SouthNomad Dogs Allowed The Laughing PolicemanTony SouthThe Laughing Policeman
Study for: Marblehead: AppletonJohn StobartStudy for: Marblehead: Appleton's Wharf in 1850 Welcome GnomeMike WimmerWelcome Gnome Callian SpringD. Eleinne BasaCallian Spring
Lateral Raise ChickLucia HeffernanLateral Raise Chick Smoky PinkChris GuestSmoky Pink BlossomCarrie GollerBlossom
New FriendsStuart DunkelNew Friends CarolingStuart DunkelCaroling Desperate KissStuart DunkelDesperate Kiss
Hands FullStuart DunkelHands Full Heavy KissingStuart DunkelHeavy Kissing KissesStuart DunkelKisses
Kiss FestStuart DunkelKiss Fest Lucky GuyStuart DunkelLucky Guy Xmas PrepStuart DunkelXmas Prep
Storm King, FallKen SalazStorm King, Fall Golden HourKen SalazGolden Hour Bues Bay, Door County, WIBen BauerBues Bay, Door County, WI

First and foremost, we’d like to wish all the art lovers out there a very happy holiday season! Thanks for taking some time to view our Small Works Show – here you’ll find dozens of little gems by some of our favorite artists. Included in the mix are works by Todd M. Casey, Stuart Dunkel, Tony South, Sergio Roffo, Chris Guest, Lucia Heffernan, Andrew Orr, Carrie Goller, Ben Bauer, and many others.


These tiny treasures are the perfect way to celebrate your love of art this holiday season… whether you’re treating a loved one or treating yourself, there is sure to be a little something for everyone in this year’s Small Works Show.