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Venice in Danger
A view over the Grand Canal in Venice, with small boats and gondolas making their way to and fro

Venice in Danger

Italy has fifty-eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ranging from ancient rock drawings up north in Valcamonica to the Cathedral of Cefalù down south in Sicily. However, never before has a UNESCO-listed site in Italy been placed on the organization’s list … More…

The 2023 Kyiv Biennial: The Show Must Go On
The flag of Ukraine

The 2023 Kyiv Biennial: The Show Must Go On

Though the country has been ravaged by war for over a year and a half, it seems Ukraine’s art establishment has not lost its faith yet. Venice and the Whitney Museum may host more famous biennial art shows, but the … More…

Old School, New School: Edward Kaprov’s Photos From Ukraine
A black-and-white photograph of a soldier sitting on the ground in a trench

Old School, New School: Edward Kaprov’s Photos From Ukraine

There are lots of good photojournalists working today. In particular, war photographers have a more difficult job than most, going into active war zones to cover how the conflict is progressing and how the lives of those caught in the … More…

Is AI Art Copyright Infringement?
The shape of a human brain with a circuitboard image within

Is AI Art Copyright Infringement?

Artificial intelligence in the art world is getting more and more attention. Mainly, I’ve written about AI being used in the study of art, like people using various programs to determine a painting’s authenticity or attributing a work to a … More…

Tubes: The Invention That Made Art Modern
An old, tin paint tube, with the label stained with old paint. The label reads in English, Spanish, and French that it contains emerald green.

Tubes: The Invention That Made Art Modern

Many of the great milestones in art history involve famous artworks. For example, at the time of its creation, Donatello’s statue of David was the first male nude sculpture created since antiquity and is now one of the great works … More…

The New Shein Lawsuit
Shame on Shein Again

The New Shein Lawsuit

A while back, I covered an incident where the Chinese fast fashion retailer Shein found itself in a spat with the British artist Vanessa Bowman. The company had used an image of one of Bowman’s paintings on a sweater without … More…

Semple-y Pink
A bottle and a box, both the same shade of pink with the stylized work Pinkie across.

Semple-y Pink

In recent years, people have tested the limits of what you can and cannot copyright. Ten years ago, the US Supreme Court ruled against the company Myriad Genetics after trying to get patents for naturally occurring DNA sequences. Parker Brothers … More…

Neapolitan Inferno: Public Art Set On Fire In Italy
A large, public square featuring a white marble statue of a nude woman in front of a mound of dirty, multicolored clothing.

Neapolitan Inferno: Public Art Set On Fire In Italy

Venus of the Rags is a sculpture by contemporary Italian artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. It consists of a classical-style sculpture of the Roman goddess Venus standing before a pile of discarded clothing. Two weeks ago, Pistoletto erected a large-scale version in … More…

Christie’s London British & European Art
A desert landscape at dawn, with the first light hitting the top of the Pyramids of Giza in the distance. Meanwhile, a group of tents near some palm trees lies asleep.

Christie’s London British & European Art

On Thursday, July 13th, Christie’s London hosted its British and European Art sale, featuring over a hundred works, including those by Edward Seago, Terrence Cuneo, and Dame Laura Knight. However, the Orientalist and sporting scenes grabbed the most attention (w/p … More…