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Glafira Rosales Pleads Guilty To $80 Million Art Scam

September 17, 2013


photo of Knoedler awning - a gallery who bought works from Glafira Rosales


Well, it seems that Glafira Rosales finally admitted to selling more than 60 fake works of art to two galleries (Knoedler & Co. and Julian Weissman) in New York City between 1994 and 2009. Included were works ‘by’ Motherwell, Rothko, and Pollock, for which Rosales received about $33.2 million, and the galleries, in turn, sold the works for more than $80 million.

Art Dealer Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To $80 Million Fake Art Scam, Money Laundering, And Tax Charges.