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Saving The Art – They Did It Once … Why Not Again?

March 11, 2018
The Mona Lisa - saving the art

The Mona Lisa

Saving The Art – They Did It Once … Why Not Again? Rory Tingle assembled a nice group of photographs in the Daily Mail showing how some of the works of art in the Louvre were packed up and carried off to safe places during WWII — almost 3700 in all. Once the Germans were defeated, the works (including the Mona Lisa, which went first to Chambord, then Louvigny, the Abbaye de Loc Dieu, the Musée de Montauban and at last to Montal, constantly fleeing the bombs and bullets) were returned to their home in Paris.

Here is an interesting idea about saving the art today … maybe someone should carry off, to a safe place, the 40 works the Berkshire Museum plans on selling.  Once they get their ‘stuff’ together, they can be returned.

Source: When civilization returned: Extraordinary images show how priceless art including the Mona Lisa was restored in WWII before being restored to the Louvre