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Becoming An Artist Is As Easy As A Pineapple

May 8, 2017

I do love these stories.  This time it was a couple of students at Gordon University in Scotland managed to pass off a pineapple as a work of art after leaving it in the middle of an exhibition.  Ruairi Gray, a business information technology student at Robert Gordon University in Scotland, and his friend Lloyd Jack, reportedly left the fruit at the Look Again exhibition at RGU’s Sir Ian Wood building, hoping that it might be mistaken for art.  When they returned four days later he found that the pineapple had been put inside its own glass display case at the event.

Best part … once the prank was discovered, the piece was left in the exhibit. Guess Gray and Jack can now claim they are artists and even have an exhibition history to prove it!  See how easy it is to become an artist.

Source: Students left a pineapple in the middle of an exhibition and people mistook it for art