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100 years of De Stijl, the most important art movement you’ve never heard of

February 14, 2017

Piet Mondrian

Well, I cannot agree that it is a movement I never hear of … seem to remember it being a big part of my art history education.  However, if you weren’t lucky enough to take a series of art history classes, you probably missed this one. Piet Mondrian, Gerrit Rietveld and Theo van Doesburg formed to core of De Stijl.

Rodney Bolt’s article describes De Stijl… they wanted to redefine art; to bring it back to its essence and give it a new set of rules. Art is all about line and colour, they said, and their aim was to express the harmony of this relationship – lucidly and objectively – through the pure language of abstraction. They wanted not only to bring about a new art, but to create a broad base for an entirely new, modern society.

Source: 100 years of De Stijl, the most important art movement you’ve never heard of