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Sotheby’s declares ‘Parmigianino’ a forgery

January 18, 2017

Fake Parmigianino

According to Vincent Noce’s article: Another “Old Master” linked to Giuliano Ruffini, the Frenchman at the center of an investigation into a series of suspected forgeries, has been declared a fake by Sotheby’s. This time, the auction house has had to reimburse $672,000 to the buyer of a Saint Jerome, which was sold at auction in New York in January 2012 as a work from the circle of Parmigianino.

These forgeries seem to be popping up all over the place and as prices continue to climb, more testing will be done and more fakes will be uncovered.  In the end, that is a good thing for the art market.

Source: Sotheby’s declares ‘Parmigianino’ a forgery