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Art Sales: Russian buyers inject confidence into Old Master market

July 13, 2016

We all know that when good works of art hit the market, strong prices are achieved.  Last week it was the Old Master’s turn to strut their stuff and there were some pretty impressive numbers: William Dobson’s self portrait and a wedding dance by Marten van Cleve the Elder each made £1.1M, Jean-Etienne Liotard’s interior scene brought £4M and a Rubens made £45M. Accoring to Colin Gleadell’s report in The Telegraph, Russian buyers were a big part of the action.


To really gauge the health of this market, a more complete report is needed.  We will cover these sales at the end of the month in our Comments on the Art Market … stay tuned.

Source: Art Sales: Russian buyers inject confidence into Old Master market



Jean-Etienne Liotard