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Peter Doig Says He Didn’t Paint This. Now He Has to Prove It

July 11, 2016

Here is an incredible story about authentication.  Peter Doig, one of the high flying artists of our time, has denied creating the painting at the center of this lawsuit.  The owner says he did and can prove it.  However, according to the article: Mr. Doig and his lawyers say they have identified the real artist, a man named Peter Edward Doige. He died in 2012, but his sister said he had attended Lakehead University, served time in Thunder Bay and painted (which is where the owner of the painting claims he met the artist).  You really need to read this to believe it.  The outcome will be very interesting.

Source: Peter Doig Says He Didn’t Paint This. Now He Has to Prove It.




Is it by Doig or Doige?