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The Rusty Versailles Vagina

June 9, 2015

I’m pretty certain this headline will grab some attention… The most recent addition to the gardens at the Palace of Versailles is titled “Dirty Corner,” and more directly dubbed the “Queen’s Vagina” by the artist and creator himself, Anish Kapoor. Kapoor’s most recognizable work is likely his iconic installation in Chicago, “Cloud Gate” (For those who do not know it by title… it’s the big chrome bean).  His large metal “vagina” stands roughly ten meters tall, weighs thousands of tons and is covered in rust; I’m sure you can understand why tourists visiting one of the most beautiful gardens in the world would find it “dirty” and “gross”. The sculpture is part of an effort to introduce contemporary art to the historic grounds and as was pointed out, “any controversy will just bring more visitors.” Nevertheless, critics seem to be objecting to the work from all ends… Whether it’s the “unremarkable execution” or the simple fact that there is a large, rusty-metal, black hole-like looking “vagina” in the garden, no one seems to be in favor of it… I certainly wouldn’t want to be around a vagina that looked like that! Read the full article HERE.



“Dirty Corner” – Anish Kapoor