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Masterpiece of ancient Egyptian art could be a modern forgery

April 2, 2015

“Meidum Geese,” an important work at Cairo’s Egyptian Museum has been taken off display after Egyptologist Tiradritti had suspicions of it being a modern forgery.  His doubts are led by the species of geese depicted in the work, these birds were located in Europe and central Asia and never seen in any other works of ancient Egyptian art.  Also, the color palette of the work is very different than all other pieces found during the excavation.  According to Tiradritti, he believes if the work is a forgery, it may have been done by Luigi Vassalli, the excavator who had discovered the work during the 19th century and was known to have trained as a painter at Milan’s Accademia di Brera.




Masterpiece of ancient Egyptian art could be a modern forgery