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Carter Cleveland Says Art in the Future Will Be for Everyone

July 9, 2014

Carter Cleveland explains his theory that “art will be for everyone” in the future.  He compares art to music pre-20th century.  Music in the past was a way to define class; if you went to live performances, listened to professional music and was educated on genres, you were part of an “elite class.”  Now, thanks to the radio and internet music has become a norm; very different to how it was seen in the past.  Cleveland explores the way art may follow the music trend, bringing it out of the uber-rich homes, galleries and museums and easily accessible for anyone’s viewing.  Expanding technology further supports this theory as virtual art, photographs and digital printings are creating new markets in the art world.  Cleveland closes with six key points, “the art of tomorrow will be the technology of today.” “an ‘upper-middle-brow’ of art will emerge,” “the art market will expand massively,” “there will be many more galleries,” “new artists will be discovered faster, and location won’t matter (as much,) and finally, “education today will ensure the longevity of art in the future.”






Carter Cleveland Says Art in the Future Will Be for Everyone