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New Works: Stuart Dunkel – A Celebration Of Whimsy And Mastery

May 29, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of several new works by Stuart Dunkel, one of our gallery’s most beloved and best-selling contemporary artists. Known for his playful and beautifully detailed paintings, Stuart Dunkel’s latest collection continues to captivate and enchant collectors and art enthusiasts alike.

About Stuart Dunkel

Stuart Dunkel’s art is a delightful blend of whimsy, technical skill, and profound narrative depth. Trained as both a classical musician and a visual artist, Dunkel’s unique background enriches his work, infusing it with a rhythmic quality and an eye for detail. His paintings often feature charming and humorous subject matter along side his signature mouse, “Chuckie,” rendered with lifelike precision and a touch of surrealism.

The New Collection

In this latest collection, Dunkel continues to explore his favorite themes, but with fresh twists that reflect his evolving artistic vision. The new works showcase his exceptional ability to blend realism with imaginative storytelling, inviting viewers into a world where everyday objects and tiny creatures come to life with personality and charm.

"A painting by Stuart Dunkel titled 'On the Take' featuring Chuckie the mouse pulling two cherries by their stems.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘On the Take’


"A painting by Stuart Dunkel titled 'Lolly Lick' featuring Chuckie the mouse licking a purple lollipop.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘Lolly Lick’


A painting by Stuart Dunkel titled 'Kiss Taker' of Chuckie the mouse holding a blue Hershey's Kiss.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘Kiss Taker’


"A painting by Stuart Dunkel titled 'Safe Haven' featuring Chuckie the mouse inside a dirty martini glass with a rainbow umbrella garnish sticking out of the cup.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘Safe Haven’


A painting by Stuart Dunkel titled 'Import' featuring Chuckie the mouse perched on top of a block of Swiss cheese, holding a piece and taking a bite.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘Import’


A painting by Stuart Dunkel called Big Lick featuring Chuckie the mouse happily licking a colorful, rainbow twisted lollipop.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘Big Lick’


A painting by Stuart Dunkel titled 'Joy Ride' featurying chuckie the mouse in a hot air balloon basket flying from different colored balloons.

Stuart Dunkel’s ‘Joy Ride’


Why Collectors Love Stuart Dunkel

Collectors are drawn to Stuart Dunkel’s work for many reasons. His paintings are not only visually stunning but also evoke a sense of joy and wonder. Each piece tells a story, inviting viewers to pause and appreciate the beauty and humor in life’s small moments. Dunkel’s attention to detail and his ability to breathe life into his subjects make his art both captivating and endearing.

Moreover, owning a piece by Stuart Dunkel is like having a window into a whimsical world where imagination and reality blend seamlessly. His art appeals to a broad audience, from serious art collectors to those simply looking to add a touch of whimsy to their home.

We invite you to visit our gallery to experience Stuart Dunkel’s work firsthand. Whether you are a long-time admirer or discovering his art for the first time, these paintings are sure to delight and inspire. For those unable to visit in person, our website features high-resolution images and detailed descriptions of each piece, making it easy to appreciate the artistry and charm of Dunkel’s work from the comfort of your home.

To view all of Stuart Dunkel’s available works, click here.