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Frazetta Sets A New Record

June 23, 2023

heroic figure adorned in magnificent armor, wielding a legendary sword

Dark Kingdom by Frank Frazetta

Frank Frazetta, the legendary artist known for his extraordinary talent in the realms of comic book and fantasy art, has created numerous iconic and highly sought-after paintings throughout his career. Among his most notable works is Dark Kingdom; the painting was used as the cover art for Karl Edward Wagner's 1976 novel Dark Crusade and Molly Hatchet's album Flirtin' With Disaster. Yesterday, June 22nd, Dark Kingdom achieved an unrivaled status as the world's most valuable original comic book or fantasy art.

Dark Kingdom immerses viewers in a scene that ignites the imagination, depicting a heroic figure adorned in magnificent armor, wielding a  sword that gleams with an otherworldly radiance. Frazetta's masterful brushstrokes capture the essence of a difficult journey, transporting us to a place packed with mystical creatures, ancient ruins, and enigmatic secrets. The composition evokes a sense of urgency, as if the fate of entire kingdoms hangs in the balance, making it a visual feast for adventurous souls who dare to embark on epic quests within the pages of a novel.

Before the sale of Frazetta's Dark Kingdom painting, his 1969 masterpiece Egyptian Queen held the record price when it sold for $5.4 million in 2019.  Egyptian Queen demonstrates Frazetta's ability to depict the allure and strength of his female subjects. The work was created for the magazine Eerie #23, and the original painting remained in the Frazetta family.

Frazetta now holds the top two spots for prices achieved at auction for original works of comic book or fantasy art—a true testament to his exceptional artistic ability, captivating narratives, and enduring appeal. Furthermore,  the value of these works extends beyond their aesthetic brilliance as they take us to places where heroes rise and dreams come alive.

If you're intrigued by Frazetta's work, let me introduce you to two notable names - Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo. Today, Bell is considered one of the most important artists in the fantasy and wildlife fields, often portraying strong, fierce characters and breathtaking scenes filled with imaginative creatures and landscapes. Vallejo, who is now married to Bell, is renowned for his fantasy and science fiction artwork. He creates paintings featuring muscular heroes and heroines engaged in epic battles set in fantastical landscapes. Their incredible attention to detail and vibrant colors make each of their works truly fascinating.