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The Invisible Man Makes An Appearance

April 11, 2020
Invisible Man Poster

The Invisible Man Poster

While the world is in the midst of fighting an invisible enemy (we are doing our part by staying home), a remake of the Invisible Man was just released and available for viewing on many of the pay-per-view streaming sites (I am not promoting the movie, and I haven’t seen it yet).  In any event, coinciding with the release of the movie, a stone lithograph poster from the original Universal Studios (1933) version of the Invisible Man was auctioned off. While I could not find an exact estimate, it was reported that the poster could reach $125K; well, it surpassed that very visible amount when it sold for $182.4K. Stay home, stay safe, stay well, and pretty much stay invisible unless you on the front line, and then we thank you with all our hearts.