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Could It Be? A ‘Lost’ Jackson Pollock painting found in Sun City home!

June 8, 2017



Jackson Pollock

There seem to be a lot of these ‘discovery’ stories popping up … guess with the ever increasing art market there will be more and more.  In any event, now just might be your chance to purchase a rare and “lost” Jackson Pollock painting worth millions [that] was found in a Sun City garage in January last year. A Scottsdale auction company was hired to sell the contents of an estate.  Among the items discovered were a number of works by Noland, McKinley, Ward, Olitski and Pollock.  The auction company spent about 18 months (and some money) researching the unsigned Pollock.  Based on the results of that research the auction room believes the work is a long lost gouache from the late 1940s.


The sale will take place on June 20th … all eyes will be watching.

Source: ‘Lost’ Jackson Pollock painting found in Sun City home