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Notorious Italian art theft ring foiled by Swedish academic

May 31, 2017



Recovered art

It is always nice to read about the recovery of stolen art and antiques. This time, a Swedish academic who bought a rare antique Italian manuscript online from a university student in Bologna has helped police uncover a trove of stolen artwork and books.

When the book arrived, the professor noticed an antique ink stamp from the Royal Library of Turin on one of the pages.  This raised a red flag and, in turn, he contacted Italian officials at the embassy in Sweden which set the wheels in motion.  They contacted the Italian Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale art fraud squad and the investigation began, resulting in a raid on a book dealer’s warehouse where a hoard of stolen art and books were discovered.

What I do find odd is that the professor is not looking for any compensation even though the manuscript cost between 20-30,000 Euros.

Source: Notorious Italian art theft ring foiled by Swedish academic