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Crossing Boudaries with Julie Bell

May 10, 2017

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Julie Bell "Peacock and Firebird"

For all our fans of Julie Bell's work, here is a recent interview she did with Walt Morton that was published by Poets and Artists.  It gives Julie's perspective on her art and there are many amazing images ... including Peacock and Firebird, a painting that is currently available for sale at the gallery.  My favorite part of the interview is when Julie discusses an early phase in her career:

In the beginning of my professional career, I followed his [Boris Vallejo] style, but still brought my own ideas to the concepts I was painting. The thing that really set off a departure from following his style was dragons. I always loved his dragons and thought that they were the absolute best dragons that could exist. They were so powerful and realistic and macho. Every time I tried to paint this kind of dragon, I would end up in tears of frustration because I could only see where my dragons fell short of his dragons. He kept saying to me, "Just do your own damn dragons!", so I finally got the courage to bust out a dragon that was MY dragon (Victory Flight) and I never went back.

I think we are all happy that she decided to do her own dragon! I am sure you will enjoy the read.