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No further jail time for Rosales for her role in $80m Knoedler forgery scandal

February 1, 2017

We have been following the Knoedler scandal for a long time and yesterday Glafira Rosales (one of the central figures in the fraud) has received her sentence ...  on Tuesday, 31 January a federal judge in New York sentenced her to the 82 days she spent in prison after her May 2013 arrest, nine months of house detention and three years of supervised release.

According to the article by Laura Gilbert, Rosales has been an enigmatic figure despite the widespread attention surrounding the scandal, but deeply personal details of her life were revealed in court, including allegations of abuse by her father and then by her partner of 25 years, Jose Carlos Bergantiños Diaz, who fled to Spain before he too was indicted as a co-conspirator in the fraud.

Source: No further jail time for Glafira Rosales for her role in $80m Knoedler forgery scandal