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Modern technology meets high Renaissance

February 28, 2017

3096270,000 digital frames and 455 man hours later, the fresco’s decorating the Sistine Chapel have been photographed for the first time in over a decade.  Michelangelo’s famous ceiling frescos from the 14th century, along with the celebrated “Last Judgment”, have been reproduced with 99.9% accuracy thanks to special post-production software.

The project, which spanned the last 5 years, pieced together the digital frames using a “stitching” technology that will create a three volume (870-page) set that will be limited to just under 2,000 copies … each volume weighs in at an amazing 20 pounds.  The book was made possible by the Vatican Museums and Italy’s Scripta Maneant art publishers and will set you back almost $13,000.

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