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Never Forget

September 11, 2014

This day 13 years ago will live on in our hearts and minds forever. Thousands of families were devastated and millions across the country came together in support of those who lost loved ones. To be honest, I can’t even write about this without my eyes getting watery, I remember that day so clearly… 9th grade math class, first week of high school… I will #NeverForget this day 13 years ago. It was an incredibly sad time but the unification in the aftermath was something to be cherished, something to be remembered.

Amy Dreher, photographer, documented the years to follow the great tragedy and today, on the 13th anniversary, the Muskegon Museum of Art opened it’s doors to an exhibition featuring 70 of Amy’s photographs. The exhibit titled, “Remember and Rebuild,” portrays just that… How we remember that fateful day and the process of rebuilding and creating the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New York. Make sure to check out the video to learn more about the exhibit and get a peak at some of the photographs that are on display.


Muskegon Museum of Art to host exhibit honoring 9/11.