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The Affordable Art Fair is back in Hong Kong

March 27, 2014

This past weekend, the Affordable Art Fair was back in Hong Kong and saw sales hit nearly HK$40 million, up 50% from last years event. Additionally, it was the most well attended of any Affordable Art Fair in it’s 15-year history with 29,000 visitors over the 3-day showing. The idea behind the fair is to open up the art world to the average person, to democratize art.

Unfortunately, for many in Hong Kong the prices are still not exactly “affordable.” The median monthly income is roughly HK$14,000, which is equal to $1,800. Artwork at the fair can be priced as high as HK$100,000 and with prices like that, the average individual would be coughing up more than half a years income!



Is Hong Kong’s “affordable art” really all that affordable?