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Gallery owner recovers stolen portrait of Basquiat… on his own.

March 6, 2014

One Brooklyn gallery owner reveals his secret for recovering stolen works of art…. Chase the thief down the street!

Sean Leonard, co-owner of the Cotton Candy Machine gallery in Williamsburg, recovered a portrait of Jean-Michael Basquiat on his own and helped police catch the crook. Over the weekend, Leonard noticed 3 large works by Amar Stewart were missing. Amazingly, Leonard was able to locate one of the works, which was being carried by a man down Metropolitan Ave., but unfortunately the other two works are still missing. In total, the three works are valued at $26,000, the most expensive  being the piece that was recovered at $10,000.

Louis Lassalle, the thief, was charged with grand larceny and possession of stolen property.









Brooklyn art gallery owner stops thief who tried running off with pricey painting of Basquiat