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Cairo artists take creative energy to the streets

January 9, 2014

While the recent revolution has had a significant impact on Egyptian society, self expressionism has flourished, leading to an outpouring creativity in the public space. Most notably, street art now adorns many of the walls throughout Cairo. While street art, more commonly referred to as graffiti, existed before the revolution, it was not “accepted” by the ruling body and was typically painted over shortly after completion. However, today murals can be found almost anywhere, even in affluent neighborhoods. Al-Attar, who founded Studio Emad Eddin (a rehearsal space for performing artists in Cairo) states, “art plays a crucial role in times of political and social change,” and that is evident in the works themselves. Much of the street art revolves around social anger and political frustration or in some cases pays tribute to fallen protesters. The acceptance and support of street art truly shows the incredible transformation taking place in the streets of Egypt’s.


Cairo artists take creative energy to the streets - CNN.com

Cairo artists take creative energy to the streets