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Damien Hirst artworks worth £33,000 stolen from London gallery

December 11, 2013

Someone may be getting a pretty nice (but stolen) Christmas present this year! Two Damien Hirst works were stolen Monday night from the Exhibitionist Gallery in London. Combined, the prints are valued at £33,000 (just under $55,000) and had been acquired by the gallery just 4 days prior to the theft. Police believe the two works were targeted since the rest of the gallery was left untouched and there were some other pricey pieces, including works by Lichtenstein, Warhol and Banksy (However, I am assuming they are not originals). Either way, the thief made a clean getaway after forcing open the front door and driving away with the prints in the back of his car. 



Damien Hirst artworks worth £33,000 stolen from London gallery