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Michael Jordans sneakers from Flu Game up for auction from former Utah Jazz ball boy

November 13, 2013

I’m sure all of you know the name Michael Jordan, and many may be familiar with the infamous “flu-game.” What most people probably don’t know is that MJ always ate applesauce before his games. You are probably thinking, great why do I care that he ate applesauce… well you shouldn’t really care, but an 18 year-old ball boy for the Utah Jazz cared enough that when the Bulls were in town in 1996, he went and found Jordan an industrial-sized can of applesauce before the game. Later that year, the Bulls ended up playing the Jazz in the NBA finals and that same ball boy made sure that MJ had his applesauce. Jordan, battling flu-like symptoms, scored 38 points in game 5 and rallied the Bulls to a 90-88 win. After the game,  Jordan made sure that the ball boy received the shoes, which he autographed. The Bulls went on to win the NBA Finals in game 6 that year, marking Jordan’s 5th NBA Title. Almost two decades later, the now 35 year-old former ball boy is sending the shoes to auction.

Anyone want to guess what astronomical price these sweaty, old kicks will bring?



Michael Jordans sneakers from Flu Game up for auction from former Utah Jazz ball boy