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Constable’s Masterpiece The Hay Wain Attacked By Protester

June 29, 2013
A British landscape with a man and cart walking through a river

John Constable’s The Hay Wain

Constable’s masterpiece The Hay Wain attacked by protester – Another work of art has been vandalized by someone who might be linked to Fathers4Justice.  This time the individual glued a photograph to Constable’s The Hay Wain.

Fathers4Justice said they refuse to deal with government, police, courts, the judiciary or any other organizations involved in family law. Now they want fathers to take direct action in “an attempt to defend themselves and the 1,000 families a week destroyed in the secret family courts. … [So] for every 1,000 families destroyed each week in the family courts, fathers should respond in kind with peaceful non-violent direct action, by either writing ‘help’ or placing pictures of their children in significant places where they are visible to the world.”