BIOGRAPHY - Romaro H. Richardson (Born 1993)

Romaro H. Richardson had a humble upbringing as a child. Due to medical conditions however, he was exempt from most physical recreational activities the average child would have partook in. Positively, this led to him having a vivid imagination that reflected in the homemade toys he produced.
In his adolescent years, Romaro’s prior career pursuit was that of the construction field; the profession common to the men in his family. Hence his secondary and tertiary level academics weresurrounded with relative courses. Outside of Technical Drawing at O-level education and Geometrical and Mechanical Engineering drawing at A-level education, Romaro has not held a pencil to produce any artistic works. He is however an enthusiast of digital media with an emphasis on Photography and Videography, and has worked alongside webmasters residing in Anguilla; Recently Nori Evoy of
In the first quarter of 2012, a few months prior to completing A-level studies, Romaro began studying under the headship of Artist Timothy Jahn the current instructor of Ani Art Academies Anguilla. He is fullycommitted into the program. As it will lay a well needed stepping stone in his pursuit for becoming competent in Media and Communication. He wishes to adapt the Waichulis Language of Drawing methodology to producing graphic design works with the aid of graphics tablets.
Being inspired by the many Christianart works of the renaissance era, Romaro has plans to create works with references to the life and teachings of The Christ and the Early Church, as well as works that reflect Caribbean Culture and Heritage.