Early European Painting of America Is Sold to Rijksmuseum
Early European Painting of America Is Sold to Rijksmuseum – The Rijksmuseum has acquired one of the earliest known depictions of America painted in the history of Western art, Jan Mostaert’s “Discovery of America.” The work, painted some time between 1525 and … More…
Russians Fight Indian Billionaires for Old Master Records
Russians Fight Indian Billionaires for Old Master Records – coverage of the Old Master sales that took place in London this week. Seems to be more of the same … not enough really great material for the number of sales they … More…
Ever Been To Disney’s It’s A Small World?
Ever been to Disney’s It’s A Small World? by Howard Rehs – my thoughts on the recent auction sales that have taken place, and I try to answer the big question on people’s minds: where has all the good art … More…
Speedier visas planned for US-bound artists
Foreign artists will no longer have to wait up to six months for their visas to visit the states. A bill passed by the US Senate last week requires that artist’s visa requests must be revised within one month allowing … More…