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Celebrating Hammond’s Latest Works: Porteur du Flambeau and A Day in LA

May 28, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the addition of two stunning new pieces by Hammond. Known for his vibrant exploration of subconscious creativity and emotional expression, Hammond’s latest works, Porteur du Flambeau and A Day in LA, are perfect examples of his dynamic artistic journey.

About the Artist: Hammond

Born in 1976 in New York’s Hudson Valley, Hammond’s early artistic inclination was nurtured by influences like Jim Davis and Charles Schultz and a rich museum culture from his parents. His formal art education began in the late 90s, working at Vanier Galleries in Scottsdale, AZ, where he was exposed to renowned artists like Dale Chihuly and Janet Fish. He earned his B.A. in Art from Arizona State University in 2006 and had his first solo exhibit in 2000.

Transitioning from representational art to abstract expressionism in 2011, Hammond’s work often explores autobiographical themes, politics, religion, love, and environmental concerns. His abstract style fosters deep personal connections and spiritual grounding.

In 2012, Hammond moved to Cincinnati, OH, where he partnered with Artworks Cincinnati and founded the Cincinnati Abstract Art Group. His recognized contributions include awards and inclusion in several public and private collections nationwide.

"Porteur du Flambeau" by Hammond, a vibrant geometric abstract painting featuring bold, colorful shapes interlocking and overlapping on a 36 x 24 inch acrylic canvas

Hammond’s ‘Porteur du Flambeau’

Title: Porteur du Flambeau
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 36 x 24 inches
Price: $3,000

Porteur du Flambeau (Bearer of the Torch) is a vibrant geometric abstract painting that captures Hammond’s ability to blend bold colors with dynamic shapes. The title suggests a beacon of hope and light, an apt metaphor for the energy and passion that Hammond brings to his work. This piece exemplifies his skill in creating movement and depth through geometric forms, inviting viewers to delve into its layers and find their own interpretations.

"A Day in LA" by Hammond, a graffiti-inspired abstract painting featuring expressive lines and white-washed layers on a 30 x 40 inch acrylic canvas.

Hammond’s ‘A Day in LA’

Title: A Day in LA
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 30 x 40 inches
Price: $4,200

A Day in LA was inspired by a 2019, trip to Los Angeles. Hammond created three separate drawings, each inspired by different sounds encountered during the trip. One drawing was made at the beach, another downtown, and the third at the airport. Back in the studio, Hammond decided to merge these drawings into a single work. Each piece was layered on top of the other, with a whitewash applied between each layer, leaving traces of the previous images. Upon completion, the entire composition was covered in white forms that resembled clouds. These forms were intended to convey a light, feathery feeling—an expression of the happiness the artist felt during the LA visit.

Hammond’s Artistic Evolution

Hammond’s current body of work is deeply influenced by his personal experiences and the socio-economic changes he has witnessed. The transition to his “Rocky I” period, as he refers to it, signifies a more raw and unfiltered approach to his art. This phase is marked by an embrace of spontaneity and an acceptance of the unpredictable nature of life, both of which are palpable in Porteur du Flambeau and A Day in LA.

These works not only highlight Hammond’s technical prowess but also his philosophical engagement with art. As he states, his art is a tool for communication, a means to provoke thought and evoke emotions. His process is as much about the journey as it is about the final piece, a journey that is deeply personal and universally relatable.

Experience Hammond’s New Works

We invite you to explore and experience the new works by Hammond, both in our gallery and online. Porteur du Flambeau and A Day in LA are not just paintings; they are dialogues waiting to happen.

View all of Hammond’s available works, here.