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We Are Even Closer Now!

January 20, 2023

installation of wood walls in new gallery space - we are even closer now

Historical gallery

The construction of our new gallery at 20 West 55th Street is moving along. The duct insulation has been completed, and the inspection will occur next week; after that, they will begin framing and closing the ceilings. The bathroom floor tiles were installed, and they are preparing/leveling the floors to install carpeting and tiles. The storage and historical gallery plywood wall installation has also begun. We were very pleased to learn that the installer could use 4 x 10-foot pieces, which eliminates the possibility of horizontal seams showing through the wall covering.

The pantry and bathroom fixture work should begin by the end of this month. After that, the crew will start painting the open ceilings and walls. Hopefully, the appliances will arrive by the first week of February, and then they will move on to the lighting fixtures and controls. By the middle of the month, the building of the storage room will commence, and if all goes well, the mechanical unit and doors will arrive by the end of February.

The final steps will be completing the security system and the arrival of our office furniture, which may take a few extra weeks. We may have to start with some folding tables and chairs, but we are excited to see the completed project and can't wait to move into our new space.