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Galerie Danieli Raid

December 17, 2021
Tales from the dark side

Just this past Wednesday, FBI and IRS agents led a raid on Palm Beach’s Galerie Danieli. Federal agents taped off the entrance to the two Danieli storefronts on Worth Avenue and, throughout the morning, carried cardboard boxes into awaiting trucks. The gallery’s windows were all covered with thick, brown paper to prevent anyone from peering inside. The Galerie Danieli mainly operates on the secondary market, specializing in modern and contemporary artists like Warhol, Kandinsky, and Rodin. Authorities gave no information about why the raid was being conducted, other than that it was “court-ordered law enforcement activity”. However, some of the cardboard boxes seen being hauled out of the storefront were broad and thin; poor for holding documents, but great for storing paintings. It’s possible the Galerie Danieli had something in their possession that they shouldn’t have. No confirmed arrests have been made, while the gallery president Daniel Bouaziz has been unreachable for comment.

Source: Federal agents raid Worth Avenue gallery in Palm Beach