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Curated Collection: New In-Sights

April 12, 2020

A Curated collection: Here we are, another day where the routine has been cut short.  No longer do I wake up at 7, jog to the gym for a 7:30 start, work out for an hour, 8:30 shower, and 9:10 departure for my walk to work…  Thirty-five minutes later, I am at my desk with a cup of coffee and a small breakfast and clicking through my emails.  My new routine looks more like this… I still wake up at 7 (damn internal clock!), coffee and breakfast in bed before my 15 meager steps to my makeshift office… the dining room table. Not very fulfilling, and my body is stiff from the lack of movement.

I will admit, for a small New York City apartment, my view isn’t too shabby… I will share a picture of it below.  But, even being able to gaze out as far as the eye can see, the view is not very inspirational.  It doesn’t “take” me anywhere. More of a constant reminder that I haven’t left my home in over a month. Sigh.

I love my curated collection of art. I’ve always bought works that I love and didn’t think much about it. But now, one thing I wish I had purchased, and which now I can desperately appreciate the importance of, is the genre of landscape. Portraits – check, abstract – check, still life – check, landscape – NONE!

I wish I could look around the walls and be transported to another place.  Every frame is a window looking out to a new location somewhere in the world.  A Ben Bauer, putting me in a lush field of the Midwest (ahh, fresh air); an Erik Koeppel or Ken Salaz bringing me to the top of a mountain at sunset (ahh, fresh air); or a Mark Lague transporting me to a country I have yet to experience in person (might still need a mask on for that).

So, with that, I have put together a curated collection of my favorite landscape paintings that I wish I had hanging on my walls. For those struggling with their cabin fever, all of these works, at the moment I wrote this post, 4/12/20 (aka day 31 of my quarantine) are available and ready to fill those voids on your walls.

Sunrise over the East River from my apartment on the Upper East Side

Sunrise over the East River from my apartment on the Upper East Side