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Experts in the field of fakery

October 23, 2015

Here is an interesting article written by the British art dealer Philip Mould concerning fakes in the market (Mould is also a co-presenter of the BBC show Fake or Fortune?).   Over the years most art dealers have come across their share of forgeries or fake works of art … we see them all the time — fake works signed Bouguereau, Boudin, Blanchard, Cortes, Corot, Dupre, Knight, Munier and many others.  The more you look, the more you find … especially on online ‘art auction’ sites.


Connoisseurship had always been the tried and true way in the art world.  Now, people are trying to come up with more sophisticated ways of determining the validity of a work.  It will be interesting to see if they can accomplish this.


To read Mr. Mould’s full article, click HERE.



Forgery by Hans van Meegeren