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What are the new status symbols for the ultra rich?

April 21, 2015

Today, buying a Picasso or Van Gogh is all about one-upmanship and status.  Many of the works being offered at ridiculous prices are not really worth it … at least in terms of their importance to the history of art or even the artist’s career.


Next month a Picasso will be offered that is expected to make $140M … will it be a guaranteed lot? In addition, van Gogh’s L’allée des Alyscamps is expected to bring $40M; it sold in 1985 for $2.4M and was last sold in 2003 for $11.7M on an estimate of $12-$18M.  As you can see, it did not even hit the low end back then.  I guess, for $40M you really are not going to get a GREAT van Gogh!!!


On top of that, there are certain periods of art where important works are going unnoticed and selling for very little … among them are the British Victorian, Barbizon, French Academic and Realist, Contemporary Realism, etc.


To read the full article, which includes cars, private jets, off the charts holiday packages, click HERE.




Van Gogh “L’allée des Alyscamps”




Picasso “Les Femmes d’Alger”