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Tween LA artist aims high in NYC with his anti-gun, Pollack-inspired art

June 24, 2013

This kid is clearly doing something right. Charles Gitnick, 11 (yeah, 11 years old!), is an artist from LA who decided to expand his market and took to the streets of New York this past weekend. You could have seen Charles and his weapon-themed/anti-gun violence artwork down in SoHo on the corner of Prince St. and West Broadway. You may have also seen a number of people walking off with his work, as this little guy sold 11 paintings totaling $1,650. Aside from bringing attention to gun violence and safety, Charles is giving back to the community as he donates a portion of his profits to Artsmart, a NYC nonprofit that donates art supplies to homeless children. Charles sounds like a pretty cool kid and I wouldn’t be surprised if we start hearing a lot more about him.


Tween LA artist aims high in NYC with his anti-gun, Pollack-inspired art - NY Daily News

Tween LA artist aims high in NYC with his anti-gun, Pollack-inspired art