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Cakes for Celebrities, Coveted by Collectors

May 14, 2013

Everyone loves cake… well, most of us do at least. And when it is a few days old, it’s still pretty good. But what about when it’s a few decades old? I guess we could say it is an antique. And if that cake happened to belong to a celebrity as part of a wedding or birthday celebration, it could be worth a small fortune. While these pieces do not hold up well in storage and are no longer edible, collectors will spend thousands to own traces of these famous sugary confections. Even a totally disintegrated slice of fruitcake from Queen Victoria’s 1840 wedding sold for $50,000! Mmmm… now that could buy a lot of cake.

an old piece of cake

Cakes for Celebrities, Coveted by Collectors – NYTimes.com.